Schools and Clubs

“Fun for all” is very important here – and our educational packages include entertainment as well as learning, bringing enjoyment to pupils and teachers alike.

When visiting a school or club with our birds of prey, we plan each visit well in advance and tailor the visit to suit individual circumstances and environments. Our educational package is constructed to meet the requirements of each school’s curriculum and is extremely successful. Club discussions are also well catered for, with both students and club members alike finding these presentations most rewarding and fulfilling.

A selection of owls, falcons and hawks are always brought along and put on show. All are captive-bred and are tolerant of children and adults alike. It is a memorable experience, especially for young minds – it is an experience that will be remembered throughout school life and beyond.

Each school visit is tailored to suit the curriculum, with the birds being sited in the hall or an appropriate assembly room. Visibility of the birds at all times keeps pupils interested; and each bird is then presented and discussed within the parameters of the curriculum and to suit available time. Student interaction is encouraged at all times.

Flying the birds indoors is always an exciting experience, giving the students a chance to see different flight patterns and wing formations. The silent flight of the owls is always an unbelievable pleasure!… and, what’s more, we don’t have to worry about the weather.

We are continually adding to our collection so do please keep in touch!